Jaap van Etten er oprindelig biolog med phd, hvis passion er at forbinde den videnskabelige verden med den spirituelle verden. Han er meget jordnær og ydmyg og har en dejlig humor. Han kan tune ind til alt og alle energier i universet, uden at prale med det. Jaap har skrevet fem bøger, 2 om krystalkranier, en bog om jordenergier, én om hans møder med Sidhe (elver) og én om drager. Født i Holland, har han nu de sidste 20 år boet i Sedona, Arizona området, hvor han bla. andet guider folk til de specielle energi – “vortexes”.

Hans website


Hiking, healing & meditating. Sedona 2019.
Du kan læse mere om en kommende tur her.

Feedback fra 1 af deltagere 2019:
At opleve Jaap van Etten på “hjemmebane” var en helt unik oplevelse.
Han giver så meget ud af sin enorme viden. Er ydmyg og meget tålmodig, med et glimt i øjet og dejlig humor.
Sedona  et sted man ikke vil hjem fra ❤️ – Lis Rosenkrantz

Workshops Jaap van Etten

For tredje gang har Stine Sølvsted Christoffersen og jeg  inviteret vores ven og healing guide, Jaap van Etten, til at komme og afholde nogle workshops i Danmark. De første to gange var begge gange en stor succes, med 60 deltagere til krystalkranie-aftener og 30 til de forskellige workshops.

Denne gang er der en hel ny workshop: Lørdag og søndag (begge dage mellem kl. 10 og 18) er titlen: Becoming who you are. Som bonus afholdes der aftenen inden igen en Krystalkranie workshop, fra kl. 19.-22. Begge begivenheder (som kan tages hver for sig) kommer til at give en ordentligt skub i din personlige og spirituelle vækst. Det foregår på letforståelig engelsk. Her følger lidt mere info:

Becoming who you are
Connecting and working with Whales consciousness

This 2-days workshop will bring you closer to your essence and will allow you to make a deeper connection with your purpose in life and with your unique qualities. This workshop is a combination of teaching and sharing information, guided meditations and practical exercises that will help you becoming who you are. In this weekend, we will connect with the different levels of whale consciousness. Whales have a much higher active consciousness than we have. Connecting with this consciousness will stimulate the expansion of our own consciousness, helping us to make a deeper connection with who we are.
It also helps us to remember that if we want to fulfil our role as co-creators, we need to learn to connect with the morphogenetic system again. A morphogenetic field (or blueprint) contains all the information that is needed for the Earth or a species (plants, animals) to exist. As the guardians of the morphogenetic systems, whales can help us to discover who we are and what we came here to do. They also help us to remember that if we want to fulfill our role as co-creators, we need to learn to connect with the morphogenetic system again.

We all have a certain belief about ourselves. Often, these beliefs are not ours. They are fed to us by parents, family, friends, school, church, work environment, and society. An increasing number of people experience that taking on beliefs that are not theirs will sooner or later create tension, stress, and even physical discomfort and disease. For many, these signals are the reason that they start their search, and the question “Who am I?” emerges. That question has two aspects. The first one is, “What does it mean to be human?” The second is, “What are my unique gifts to this world?” (the why am I here question).
Being a human being makes you part of a species, of a collective. That collective has a goal. As a collective, we have lost our goal, and consequently, we are messing up this world and ourselves. If the collective is lost, where do we find information about us and our potential to guide us? There is a simple answer: it is in the different energy systems of the earth, especially in the morphogenetic systems, earth’s blueprints.
When we connect with these systems, answers will come. We are here to help the earth to ascend, going to higher vibrations. We are co-creators, and if we want to be that, we need to learn what that means. Many beings are willing to help us. One group of such beings are whales, who are the guardians of the morphogenetic system of Gaia. They invite us to become guardians of the morphogenetic system and learn to work with it in such a way that we can co-create the new world.
Many people believe that whales are animals and thus less than we are. That is why people killed them in the past, and certain people still do not care about them. But, as mentioned before, whales have a much higher active consciousness than we have. This workshop will support you in becoming who you are and show you how to contribute to the coming of the New World, with a little help from our friends, the whales.

Jaap talking about Morphogenetic Fields, Grids and Human Potential

Crystal Skull Workshop 2019.
Mere om krystalkranier her.

Would you like to experience a deeper connection with yourself? People throughout time tried to achieve that in many ways, using different tools. One of these tools has been and still is crystals. However, you can deepen this experience many times more with another crystalline tool: crystal skulls.
Crystal skulls are crystals that have a shape that triggers our subconsciousness into a connection with a field of information that helps us to reconnect with who we truly are and to our full potential. Every experience with these wonderful tools expands your abilities.
Join us for an experience that triggers your locked memories and opens the doors of expansion.
Fredagaften kl. 19.-22. Pris 400 kr.
(Ønsker du at prøve en individuel behandling med krystalkranier:  Se her.)

Tider: Krystalkranieworkshop fredag aften kl. 19-22.
Becoming who you are, lørdag og søndag mellem kl. 10 og 18.
Danakilde, Rørbækvej 13, 7323 Give.
Med mulighed for overnatning, tilmelding hos Rebekka Rye Petersen, 2259 2412, danakilden@gmail.com
Pris: For hele weekenden: 2600 kr. Kun lørdag og søndag: 2400 kr. Kun fredag aften: 400 kr.
Booking/info: info@christo.dk
Efter tilmelding får du en bekræftelse med flere oplysninger, samt en faktura.
Du kan også betale på forhånd og få en kvittering tilsendt: 7240 1608681 (meddel workshop Jaap van Etten).
Der er ingen MobilePay tilknyttet til denne konto.  Du får hele beløbet tilbage ved afbud inden d. 1. juni.

“Thank you Jaap van Etten. I feel so grateful for having been a part of this supportive space of love and light”. – Annia

A humble  THANK YOU  to Jaap van Etten for the AMAZING weekend. And to  Christo & Stine for arranging it.  I’m still astonished about all my experiences/meetings with the different beings, – totally gratitude – BUT what I cherish deeply, is the unconditional love I felt (still feel) for myself! ❤️ ” – Søs

“A deep heartfelt gratitude to every participant – human – non human – physical – non physical. Special thanks to Jaap for sharing, travelling, researching – wow ! just wow.” – Line

“Tak for Den totalt fede power oplevelse at det var at være med Fredag Aften, det var så energiopløftende at energierne kørte inde i mig hele weekenden og mandag med, vildt så megen energi vi fik bygget op sammen.” – Jan

Sedona 2017

Sindal 2018

Porskær Stenhus 2019

Sedona 2019