Update okt. 2024: Næste tur bliver i marts 2025.
It is now possible to join Stine Christoffersen and me on a 10-day spiritual healing tour to Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is wellknown for it’s Red Rocks and for the powerful spiritual energy. In and around Sedona we will, among others, make hiking tours to secret and sacred places (often from ancient indian cultures) under the spiritual guidance and supervison of Jaap van Etten, who lives in the area. Jaap chooses those places out of what is most optimal for each participant and we will sit there and meditate to absorb the energy of those different vortexes for our own personal growth. If it fits in the energy we will for instance visit a place where the Sidhe (elver) live in a parallel dimension. They are our kin and can help us expand our consciousness. If it fits, we may have a special meditation, in Jaaps home in Clarkdale, where there’s a beautiful grid of (mainly) crystal skulls that can support us in connecting to deeper levels of our selves.
Stine and I will provide so called integration days, where we will share our processes, listen to channelings, do our Sacred Flow meditation (more here), plus different kinds of meditations and we will visit sights of interest, such as the Chapel of the Holy Cross. We have been in the area quite a few times now, so we know a place or two where it will be good, and beautiful to be. Some fun on the way cannot be excluded…
The first trip, in October 2019 was a Big Succes for both participants and facilitators (you can read some of the feedback at the end). The idea was to organise this journey from now on every year, but unfortunately corona came in the way…
If a picture paints a 1000 words, then here’s a few paintings to give an impression of the amazingly beautiful area of Sedona.
(Scroll by clicking on the arrow)
On each trip, the max. number of participants will be 10. This to ensure an optimal experience for each participant, this number makes it possible for you to receive personal guidance. A basic good physical shape will do. Depending on the number of days you stay after the course, you should count that the total amount will be around 30.000 Dkr. This includes everything: the days with Jaap, Stine and myself, flight ticket, room in a beautiful house shared with others, food, shared car, everything. Since we’re not a travelling agency, basically we only arrange the days with Jaap, Stine and myself. Before the trip, we will meet one or two times, to get to know each other and build up the energy.
(Update januar 2025: there’s only two places left now)
The program
(Small changes may occur)
Day 1. Departure Monday 17th of March (Billund or an airport near you). One night stay in Phoenix
Day 2. ”Landing” in the Sedona area (Stine & Christo)
Day 3. Setting intention (Stine & Christo). Possible outdoor activity
Day 4 + 5. Healing Hike with Jaap, Stine & Christo
Day 6. Integration (Stine & Christo)
Day 7.+ 8. Healing Hike with Jaap, Stine & Christo
Day 9. Integration (Stine & Christo)
Day 10. Last day Healing Hike with Jaap, Stine & Christo
Day 11. Last day integration (Stine & Christo), rounding off / free time
Day 12. Going home Friday 28th of March or stay longer
Here’s what some of the participants of the 2019 trip say (in Danish) :
Tag med og du vil Gå igennem en transformation i energier der måske ellers vil tá Årtier, du vil aldrig nogen sinde fortryde denne Gien dig selv den aller aller kraftigste transformations rejse ❤️ – Jan Daugaard
Landskabet omkring Sedona rummer adskillige meget kraftfulde steder, der kan virke faciliterende på dine indre processer. Jaap van Etten er en sand vismand, som jeg varmt kan anbefale at opsøge. Det er en usædvanlig stærk kombination at modtage undervisning af Jaap i Sedona. – Lars Christian Maegaard Schmidt
De kraftfulde energier der er i Sedona, giver et stort personligt løft, som skaber en dyb forbindelse til sig selv og en udvidelse af ens evner.
At opleve Jaap van Etten på “hjemmebane” var en helt unik oplevelse.
Han giver så meget ud af sin enorme viden. Er ydmyg og meget tålmodig, med et glimt i øjet og dejlig humor.
Sedona et sted man ikke vil hjem fra ❤️ – Lis Rosenkrantz
Fantastisk tur, hvor ordet bevidsthed har fået ny betydning.
Treenigheden Jaap, Christo og Stine, skabte på smukkeste, blideste og tryggeste måde, nogle hårde men vildt transformerende processer
Kæmpe kvantespring i “kiggeindad” arbejdet og ikke mindst i at få lukket op for bevidstheden til Moder Jords energi og alle universets energier..
Størst af alt Jaaps skønne måde at simplicere at leve/mærke fra hjertet og ikke fra egoet.. Wauw.. hvor er beslutninger og samtaler bare nemme at tage, når de kommer fra hjertet
Livsrejsen der delte livet i to: Livet før Sedona og det nye oprigtige liv efter Sedona, hvor tillærte normer og regelsæt er blevet “over there”, og i stedet blev det hul fyldt op med bevidsthed i at lytte til hvad hjertet fortæller
Ubeskrivelig lækkert sted at blive klogere på livet – Lisbeth Stelmach
It’s us arranging the trip to Sedona.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Kærlig hilsen, Stine og Christo